Board of Directors

Chair:  Linda Hawkins
Vice-Chair:  Kevin Dandeno *
Secretary:  Mary Dickson *
Treasurer:  Colleen Seaman  *
Members at large:
Elaine Anderson *
Karen Schlacht
Jan Shortt
*  = Kiwanis club of Owen Sound Member
Festival Administrator:  Regan MacNay
We have spaces for 3 more board members.  Please contact Linda Hawkins   if you are interested in serving on the board, or have questions.

Join the Board

We welcome new members! The board and committees have been meeting via Zoom.
The board meets at 2 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, excluding April, July, August, and December.

Join a Committee

The festival has several opportunities for individuals to help shape the festival. Committees meet periodically throughout the year. Ad hoc committees are also created when needed.

Promotions and Marketing

Staffing and Volunteers

Fundraising and Sponsorship

Rules and Syllabus